paulina berczynski

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Around the tablecloth

This tablecloth holds stories and intentions.
Over a decade ago I found a vintage pattern for an embroidered tablecloth at a flea market in my birth city of Łódż, Poland. The cross-stitch pattern for the embroidery is screenprinted in blue on linen, and has been partially filled in by some unknown stranger. Over the course of three meetings, guests drew on the traditional form and the domestic and gendered expectations associated with this type of craft project, as well as the unknown story of the cloth’s original owner, to add our own embroideries and stories to the cloth. Our conversations centered mental health, identity, and the ways we interpret and respond to cultural traditions and personal and collective traumas.

With ZUSA What’s Next residency
Berlin, Germany and Wrocław, Poland

> back to studio home
copyright 2025 paulina berczynski