paulina berczynski

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Story Quilts with Unhoused Communities

In this multi-year project Feral Fabric worked with individuals experiencing homelessness, and their communities and local shelters, on a series of Story Quilts. In workshops, people experiencing homelessness made drawings and crafted textile panels to self-represent, tell the story of temporary community, or process their experience. These elements then became the basis for a series of story quilts in support of housing rights.

This project was supported by volunteers, an Individual Artist Grant from the City of Berkeley, and material donations from Social Justice Sewing Academy.

In 2020, the pandemic shut down homeless shelters and Feral pivoted to distributing Sew & Mend DIY Kits around the Bay Area. Made using donated and upcycled fabrics, the kits contained everything recipients needed to craft a textile project during this period of isolation, and doubled as tools to repair clothes, tents, or anything else made of fabric. The kits were distributed through 2022. 

The Story Quilt project’s final exhibition of quilt tops and related work was shown in the windows of Pro Arts Gallery in downtown Oakland, which at the time was also functioning as a covid testing center.

Feral Fabric


1. Untitled (Story Quilt 1). South County Homeless Project, Hayward. 2020-2022. Mixed textile media. Approx 305 x 366 cm (10 x 12’)

2. Untitled (Story Quilt 2). Here/There Camp, Berkeley / Oakland. 2020-2022. Mixed textile media.Approx 62 x 90 cm (24 x 36”)

3. Untitled (Story Quilt 3). Women’s Daily Drop-In Center, Berkeley. 2020-2022. Mixed textile media. Approx 60 x 60 cm (24 x 24”)

4-6. Workshop documentation

7. In Solidarity flag. Mixed Textile media. Approximately 24 x 24" (60 x 60 cm)

Media. Approximately 24 x 24" (60 x 60 cm)

8. Untitled (Tarp). Feral Fabric 2022. Industrial tarp. 305 x 366 cm (10 x 12’)

9. Kit distribution in Oakland 2021. Hosted by partner Punks with Lunch.

10-12. Installation at ProArts Gallery, Oakland (detail, nterior & exterior view)

13-14. Workshop Flyer

15. Drawing made by a participant at South County Homeless Project, Hayward

16-20. Sew & Mend DIY Kit. Kits contained a mix of fabrics, sewing materials, glue, and sew/mend instructions booklet with a poster printed on the back.

20. Untitled (canvas patch) The kits also included a large screen-printed patch (approx 14” square) advocating for housing rights 

Project partners:
Womens Daytime Drop-In Center Berkeley, South Country Homeless Project Hayward, Here/There Camp Berkeley.

Distribution partners: West Oakland Punks with Lunch, The Village Free Store, Building Opportunities for Self Sufficiency Family Homeless Shelter in Berkeley, and Raphael House Family Homeless Shelter, San Francisco.

Sewing Volunteers: Maureen O’Neill, Morgan Baxter, and Rosemary Sallee.

Material donations: Social Justice Sewing Academy.

This work was made possible with the generous support of crowd-funded donations, and an Artist Grant from the City of Berkeley
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copyright 2025 paulina berczynski