paulina berczynski

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FluffyCo was a lifestyle brand active from 2004-2022. It was focused on sustainability and featured an easygoing aesthetic across home, accessories and apparel with wholesale clients in the US, Canada, Australia. FluffyCo also had extensive Japanese distribution. Key Accounts included Urban Outfitters, Crate&Barrel, ModCloth, Target, Fuego stores, and Ships (Japan). Notable Press: InStyle, DesignSponge, Elle, ReadyMade, Martha Stewart Living. in 2018 Wavy Matter became an updated incarnation of FluffyCo– an online store that featured small, sustainable designers and art objects, and donated a portion of profits to support public art. Key roles: Creative direction. Surface and product design for apparel, accessories and home oin addition to print and web design, branding, marketing, and video editing.

Images above include catalog layouts, product designs, packaging materials and web marketing. 

Select Teeshirt Graphics.  These designs span from 2005-2018
Some including the Noir Cat, Easy Tiger, Stars and Typewriter have sold in the 10s of thousands of units through outlets including ModCloth and Fuego stores nationally, and international distribution primarily in Japan and Puerto Rico.
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copyright 2025 paulina berczynski